Spring Picture Day
Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Schedule (by last name)

10am-10:30am – A-D

10:30am-11:15am – E-H

11:15am-11:45am – I-L

11:45am-12:30pm – M-O

12:30pm-1:00pm – P-R

1:00-1:45pm - Break

1:45pm-2:15pm – S-U

2:15pm-2:45pm V-Z

Pictures will take place outside the MPR, by the front office. We ask that you arrive to campus at the time indicated above with a notecard that clearly states your student(s) first & last name(s) and grade level(s). Your student(s) will first take their picture and will then grab their fundraiser activity kit as they exit the picture area. Each student will receive one activity kit.

Please be sure to have your student(s) arrive to campus wearing a cloth face covering (they will be instructed to remove it while their picture is being taken only) and remain physically distanced while waiting for their picture to be taken.    

How to Order Pictures:

General Information

Order Form & Pricing