Enrollment & Registration

CLICK HERE for the Oak Creek step by step guide on the enrollment process

Welcome new Oak Creek Elementary families! Please visit Enroll in IUSD to complete IUSD online pre-enrollment process if your student did not previously attend a school in IUSD. During the online data entry process, you will be required to upload all requested enrollment documents that are identified in the instructions - PDF format is preferred. Please email: OCEnroll@iusd.org with any questions. 

Please note, your enrollment is not complete until you finish this process.


CLICK HERE for required enrollment documents

If scanning is not available, parents will need to take clear, legible photographs of documents - PDF format is preferred

CLICK HERE for information regarding immunization and health requirements

CLICK HERE for additional health and safety resources

Thursday, February 27th 2025
Oak Creek MPR

CLICK HERE for the February 27th Presentation Slide Deck 

CLICK HERE for the IUSD Welcome to Pre-K and Kindergarten video

CLICK HERE for IUSD Indicators for School Success

CLICK HERE for more information about IUSD's Pre-Kindergarten (PK) Program

CLICK HERE for more information about IUSD's Kindergarten Program

If your student is currently attending Oak Creek Elementary, you will not need to complete the new student enrollment process, but please make sure to complete your Intent to Return Survey when it comes out in the spring. If you are currently attending another IUSD school and are moving into the Oak Creek attendance area, please contact your current home school for further information.

CLICK HERE for the 2024-2025 grade level placements

2025-2026 grade level placements coming soon!

If you do not live in the Oak Creek Elementary attendance area and would like to attend our school for the 2025-2026 school year, you will need to fill out a school choice request form. 

Please CLICK HERE to submit an Elementary School Choice Request for our school for the 25-26 school year. The form will be open January 6th to February 28th, 2025. Families will be notified via email of School Choice decisions by the last week of May 2025. To find more information about IUSD School Choice policies, please CLICK HERE